Monday, September 9, 2024

How To Report Suspicious Car In Neighborhood

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On The Transit System

Sacramento community reacts to crash and suspected carjacking Friday evening
  • Sit near the bus or streetcar driver.
  • Remember, on the subway, the first car and the car with the amber light on the outside have T.T.C. personnel on board
  • Use the ‘yellow alarm strip’ on the subway when necessary
  • Be alert for people watching or following you.
  • Note the locations of telephones on the platforms and in stations that can be used to get help.

Kinds Of Suspicious Activity To Report

Any incident, individual or activity that feels uncomfortable, and seems unusual or out of place.

Some common examples of suspicious activities include:

  • A stranger walking or loitering in the neighborhood.
  • An unfamiliar parked or slow moving vehicle cruising the streets with unknown passengers.
  • Someone peering into cars and windows.
  • An unknown van or vehicle coming and going from a home.
  • Persons arriving and leaving from homes or businesses at unusual hours.
  • Someone loitering around schools, parks, or secluded areas.
  • Open or broken doors or windows at an un-occupied residence or closed business.
  • An unknown person with no company or vehicle identification tampering with electrical, gas, or sewer systems.
  • An unknown person with no company or vehicle identification seeking to gain entry into the residence claiming a need to inspect for any reason.
  • Multiple persons who appear to be working in unison and exhibiting suspicious behaviors.
  • Signs of forced entry or tampering with security or safety systems.
  • Unknown non-stop alarms going off in or near a home.
  • Aggressive or threatening door to door solicitors.

What Is Suspicious Activity

When calling the police on someone acting suspicious, it is imperative you provide articulable reasons why you believe this. Articulable means you are capable of expressing, explaining, or justifying to our dispatchers that you believe a person violated a law or regulation. For example, if you see a male subject sitting in a car at night, that alone is not suspicious. However, if you see the male sitting in his car at night doing drugs, that’s a different story. Also, if you see a group of rowdy teenagers walking down the street, that alone isnt against the law. However, if you see them trying car door handles as they walk down the street, elements of a crime have been met.

We expect our dispatchers to ask clarifying questions to identify safety and crime elements in calls, to ensure that our officers have clear factors on which to base their actions when responding. We ask you to be patient and anticipate being asked those questions.

Race, gender, religion, socio-economic status, style of dress, choice of hairstyle, etc. should NEVER be a factor in classifying someone as suspicious. If there is a real factor of community safety or crime afoot, by all means call us, but avoid calling the San Mateo Police Department strictly on bias-based observations.

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If You See Something Say Something

“If You See Something, Say Something®” is a national campaign that raises public awareness of the indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime, as well as the importance of reporting suspicious activity to state and local law enforcement.

Informed, alert communities play a critical role in keeping our nation safe. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is committed to strengthening hometown security by creating partnerships with state, local, tribal, and territorial governments and the private sector, as well as the communities they serve. These partners help us reach the public across the nation by displaying the campaigns messages and distributing outreach materials, including Public Service Announcements .

How Do I Report A Suspicious Car In My Neighborhood

Suspicious Vehicle has been parking in our neighborhood

How should I report a suspicious car moving through my neighborhood? Iâve noticed a car driving around the block really slowly for the past few nights around 1:00 am. It all just seems a little sketchy.

provide the police with as much information as possibleyou should tell them

  • The type of vehicle you see.
  • The license plate number.
  • A description of the car and any people inside.

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See Something Say Something

The “See Something, Say Something” national campaign is designed to raise public awareness of the indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime, as well as the importance of reporting suspicious activity to state and local law enforcement.

If you see something suspicious, please call local law enforcement or the Florida hotline: 855-352-7233. If there is a life threatening emergency, always call 911.

It is helpful to give the most accurate description possible when reporting suspicious activity.

  • Brief description of the activity
  • Date, time and location of the activity
  • Physical identifiers of anyone you observed
  • Descriptions of vehicles
  • Information about where people involved in suspicious activities may have gone
  • Your name and contact information

Remember you can report on suspicious activities anonymously. If you see suspicious activity, please report it to your local police department. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911.

Improve Safety, Inspire Innovation, Enhance Mobility

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The Effectiveness Of Our Police Agency Is Enhanced By Active Participation On The Part Of The Citizens We Serve

When you call to report suspicious persons of activity, you may not only aid the police, you make your community a safer place to live.

Some people fail to call the police simply because they are not aware of what might be suspicious. Other people notice suspicious activity and hesitate to call for fear of being labeled as “nosy” or a “crank.” Others feel that someone else has already called the police.

Obvious Things to Watch For

  • A stranger entering your neighbor’s house when it is unoccupied, may be a burglar.
  • A scream heard anywhere may mean robbery or assault.
  • Offers of merchandise at ridiculously low prices could mean stolen property.
  • Anyone removing accessories, license plates or gas from a vehicle.
  • Anyone peering into parked cars may be looking for a car to steal or for valuables displayed inside.
  • Persons entering or leaving a business place after hours could mean burglars.
  • A sound of breaking glass or loud explosive noises could mean and accident, burglary, or vandalism.
  • Persons loitering around schools, parks and secluded areas could be sex offenders.
  • Persons loitering in the neighborhood who do not live there could be burglars.
  • Anyone forcing entrance to, or tampering with a residence, business or vehicle should be reported.

Not So Obvious Things to Watch For

  • Juveniles walking casually through the neighborhood looking into cars, backyards, etc.
  • Persons running, especially if carrying something of value.
  • Parked, occupied vehicles that contain one of more persons.
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    Describing And Reporting Of Events Vehicles And Persons

    Practicing to develop skill in providing quick, accurate descriptions is an excellent NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH meeting activity. In attempting to describe events, vehicles, or persons, write down the details of what you have observed while they are still fresh in your mind, so your descriptions to law enforcement officials will be as accurate as possible.

    What To Do If You See An Abandoned Car

    7 Safety Tips from a Police Cheif

    If you see an abandoned car, call your local police station, but not 9-1-1 as this is not an emergency. The police will ask you to describe the car and where it is currently located.

    It is wise to report an abandoned car because it may be stolen or may have been used during a crime. If the police locate this car, it may help them solve a certain case.

    Is it illegal to sit in your car in a neighborhood?

    Depending on where you live, this may be illegal but generally, it is not. However, if you start to disturb your neighbors, then they might call the police on you which could be uncomfortable.

    If you find someone sitting in your car and it is making you uncomfortable, you have every right to call the police. On the other hand, if you are wondering if you personally can sit in your car, first think about how it may affect your neighbors.

    Are your lights shining into your house? Do your car windows face directly into someones house? If so, it may be best to find another quiet place to sit.

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    When To Report Suspicious Behavior

    • We urge you to call 911 when:
    • You believe someone is in physical danger
    • You believe a specific crime is happening
    • You believe something is suspicious

    What makes it suspicious? Be able to explain to the 911 call taker why the behavior you are seeing/hearing is suspicious. What gives you the feeling that a crime is in progress or about to occur? Don’t doubt your instincts. Call 911 and let our call takers evaluate and respond to the information you provide.

    How To Create A Neighborhood Watch In Your Community

    Starting a Neighborhood Watch in your area is easier than you think. Since the national program was originally started under the National Sheriffs Association, most local law enforcement agencies would be thrilled to help you out.

    Heres how to get a Watch implemented in your neighborhood in five steps:

  • Gather your neighbors. Talk to as many neighbors as you can and get them on board with the idea. As you gather, youll want to organize yourselves and assign specific tasks.
  • Contact local law enforcement and schedule a meeting. Invite them to meet with your group and give everyone a little more information on what Neighborhood Watch will mean for them. Every city is a little different and cooperation with law enforcement is essential.
  • Discuss concerns and develop a plan. If your neighborhood has specific concerns , meet with your neighbors and discuss what you can all do to lessen the impact of this concern in your area. For some great tips, check out this guide from the National Neighborhood Watch.
  • Create a communication plan. How do you want to communicate within your group? Texting? A community safety app like SaferWatch? Social media? Meetings every quarter? Theres a lot you can do to take your group to the next level.
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    How To Start A Neighborhood Watch Program In Your Area

    Are you thinking about starting a Neighborhood Watch program in your community? You would be joining millions of Americans who have taken action to protect their families and their neighbors through this empowering program. As you start gathering your neighbors, here are some things to think about in preparation:

    Can You Call The Cops If Someone Parks In Front Of Your House

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    If someones car is parked in front of your house, calling the cops to complain about because you believe its your spot is useless. As mentioned, its not illegal if someone parks their vehicle in front of your property.

    Note that if the car thats parked in front is owned by someone who lives adjacent to your house, regardless of how long or how frequent that is, no law has been violated.

    However, if the car hasnt moved for weeks or months, you can contact the police. In addition, you might also want to call the cops if you are suspicious about the car. For instance, you dont know whose car it is or if it belongs to someone you dont know or not familiar with in the neighborhood.

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    Suspicious Car In Front Of My House

    Noticing a suspicious car in front of your house can definitely make you nervous. All the possibilities of why its there start spinning around in your head. Would it be silly to call the cops? Would that be overreacting?

    We have broken down exactly what you need to do and when in order to keep you and your neighborhood protected from a suspicious car, as there are many things to consider.

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    Heres a Quick Pro Tip!

    The best way to prevent suspicious cars from parking in front of your house is to have security cameras set up in plain sight.

    This usually deters most criminals and creeps from trying anything out of fear of being caught on camera in the act.

    Having a decent security system like a Ring Video Doorbell or Outdoor Security Cameras is a smart thing to do in this situation and works really well.

  • Final Thoughts
  • How Do I Stop People From Parking In Front Of My House

    Do you have a problem with cars parked in front of your driveway or blocking your mailbox? Perhaps you have concerns about a suspicious vehicle outside your house instead. You would want to know some ways on how to stop people from leaving their car outside your property.

    In some countries, people would put items that are considered deterrents to parking in front of my house. These would include traffic cones, no parking signs, and painting on the parking spot. Some homeowners swear these strategies work and have discouraged people from parking in front of their homes.

    But the thing with these deterrents is that, depending on where you live, it is illegal. This is mainly because a road or street is considered public and anyone has the right to use it.

    A better question would be. Can you stop a neighbor parking outside your house? The answer is no, you cant. Instead, you deal with it. You talk to your neighbor and use a polite approach. Thats the best thing you can do in the hopes that your neighbor is the listening type.

    The next best thing is to put a friendly note on their car. Still, this does not guarantee you will get the space all to yourself. For this reason, some homeowners make the decision to move to a different place or residential area where parking rules meet their expectations.

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    Types Of Suspicious Behavior To Watch For In Your Neighbors

    Suspicious activity is an occurrence that is out of the ordinary in your neighborhood. Your role as a good neighbor and a concerned citizen is to report whatever you think is suspicious or wrong. It is very important to know your neighbors so you can help to maintain a safe community. Getting to know the regular patterns of your neighbors allows you to see when something is suspicious or unusual.

    Here are 4 types of suspicious behavior to watch for in your neighbors:

    1. Unusual Traffic

    A lot of people nowadays run small businesses out of their homes. However, if you notice unusual traffic e.g. large number of individuals coming and going from the house, especially at night or outside of normal business hours, then it could mean that there is something shady going on. Your neighbor could be harboring criminals, running a meth lab, or dealing drugs. If you spot visitors that dont live in the neighborhood, exchanging small items for cash, making deliveries, paying quick visits, etc., then it is recommended that you notify the neighborhood watch about it.

    2. Blacked Out Windows or Curtains Always Drawn

    3. A Neglected House

    4. Police Calls and Solutions

    Final Word

    Making A Report At Home

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  • 1File a report to a national database. If you were able to get the license plate number of the car, you can submit the information to a national database, such as . You can also use an app like Bad Driver.XResearch source
  • 2Check the website of your city or police. Many local police departments and city transportation departments have online forms where you can report reckless drivers. If they do, fill out their online form.
  • To find out if this is available in your area, you can search online for the name of your city or county with the words “report reckless driver.” For example, you might type the words “Charlotte report reckless driver” or “Orange County report traffic violation.”
  • You may need to send an email. In this email, you might write, “I noticed a red Mustang speeding down I-95 this morning around 9:00AM. They were weaving in and out of traffic and nearly collided with a truck. I have attached a photo of their license plate. Thanks.”
  • 3Inform a local DMV if someone you know is a reckless driver. If you know the identity of an unsafe driver, you can request for your local department of motor vehicles to give them a new driving exam. Some departments have online forms for this. You may need to email others. In most cases, this information can be given anonymously. On this form, you should:XResearch source
  • Identify who needs to be reexamined. If possible, provide their driverâs license number or their license plate number.
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    Suspicious Circumstances To Be Aware Of

    • Persons monitoring areas, entrances to buildings or buildings
    • Persons pacing back and forth who appear to be dazed or confused
    • Persons speaking incoherently
    • Persons wandering in residence halls or buildings that appear to have no legitimate purpose
    • Unauthorized persons in restricted or sensitive areas
    • Persons requesting sensitive information, building/HVAC plans, water, electrical, telecommunications locations, etc.
    • Persons wearing clothing not consistent with weather conditions wearing full-length trench coats with boots in 70 degree weather)
    • Persons abandoning packages, backpacks, briefcases in unusual areas, such as high traffic/high populated areas, i.e.: sporting events, lectures, common areas, etc.
    • Persons attempting to access utility rooms
    • Multiple persons who appear to be working in consort, committing any of the above
    • Unusual powders or liquids/droplets/mists/clouds especially found near intake/HVAC systems or enclosed spaces
    • Dead animals/birds, fish, insects
    • Unexplained/unusual odors. Smells may range from fruity/flowers to sharp/pungent, garlic/horseradish-like, bitter almonds, peach kernels, and newly mown grass/hay
    • Unusual/unscheduled spraying or discovery of spray devices or bottles

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